Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The sacred nature of procreation

I find it amazing how women have fought soo hard for equal rights (almost since Adam and Eve) and yet we haven’t seemed to do anything to truly move the dial. As a mother of one young son and two little girls, I find our society to be extremely derogatory when it comes to the treatment or portrayal of women. Let’s take TV as an example, how many TV shows are there that portray a women to be smart on her own, without the assistance of a lead male character, or excessively revealing clothing (Zena)?  I can’t think of any. To make matters worse, many TV shows highlight women abusing the powers of procreation or men tempting women to abandon their innocence.
                This isn’t meant to be a women’s rights posting, because I have to admit that society has done the same thing to men, but I am extremely concerned over what my kids will find as real and true in a society where casual sex is far more casual, and widely accepted. Why can’t we see how this affects our society? How many friends do we have who are single parents? I know we would look at them and say life is hard for them, but think deeper. What got them into this situation?  Is it a personal choice? Sure there is some of that, but it is also outside influence.

                I am so happy that we have been taught to keep television time to a minimum and to tech our kids correct principles. I only hope that enough seeds take root and become firm trees before they leave my care, and face the world full of lumberjacks who are more than willing to climb all over them and use them just to make a buck or two.