Sometimes when Travis is traveling the safety and security of my family is something that weighs on my mind. This week I’ve been thinking about my children and how their actions will affect my eternal salvation (happiness beyond this life). I find it frustrating that we are given these spirits to raise and develop, but we have little control over their eternal destiny, beyond the seeds I’ve planted. I would say that the first saints to cross the plains had similar thoughts. Imagine stopping and building winter quarters, planting crops, and then leaving. No control over their outcome or enjoying some of the food they worked so hard to get started.
I find comfort in the understanding that as long as I fulfill those covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father, and I continue to hold sacred those ordinances that I have completed, like baptism and marriage, I will have the ability to see my children in the next life. Can I force them to reach the highest degree of exaltation? No, that was someone else’s plan, but I can be blessed with the chance to see them, and share in their eternal progression.
I am so thankful to a Father in Heaven who is just and firm at once, and gives me a way to protect my family in an eternal sense.