Hey folks, as you all know coursework has started for me! I am taking a religion class that focuses on “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”, as one of my requirements I’ll be posting a blog each Wednesday covering things I found interesting, insights I’ve gained, and or memories that this class has brought back to me. Our first two weeks are going to be about gender and eternal identity.
After celebrating Travis’ birthday I have to say that I feel so happy to have a husband and worthy priesthood holder in my life. As most of you all know, I struggle to be the mom that loves to be a mom, and I feel like I can relate to Eve and her experience of being the very first mother (ever) and not having anyone to ask for help. However, having a loving husband, who carries those gender specific traits that my children (and I) need is a great comfort. Although God commanded Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the Earth, it is clear this commandment has extended to us, and his divine plan calls for husbands and wives to be male and female. It simply doesn’t work any other way, and I have a testimony of the need for both a male and female to join together in the procreation and raising of a family.